Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bringing the gospel home! A new beginning!

As my outreach is coming to a close in these next short weeks, my heart races with impatience on coming home and wanting to share the SIMPLE gospel with my friends and family. There are so many changes,revelations and breakthroughs that have happened in these short months. I am honored that you my friends have been following me through all of it. Its been quite the ride of my life! I have never known Jesus like i know him now. He has given me so much and taken so many bad things away. He truly is a god who "gives and takes away."  I have learned how powerful the SIMPLE gospel can be. And sometimes we forget it. We tend to complicate things more than they should be. We used the simple gospel to share with people here in Japan who do not know our language but seemed to understand what our hearts were saying. We've seen a little high school girl get saved by doing the same. God doesnt want us to make things all fancy and intricate, he wants to let people know one thing....HE SIMPLY LOVES US.
       During my outreach i have learned so much about the Japanese culture. There were times where i struggled with it as i am used to my own, as well as the american culture. Through these tough times God was showing me the most important culture of all...THE KINGDOM CULTURE! There is no culture needed. He loves us no matter what circumstances. He wants us to love each other no matter what happens to each of us. There is only one love, and that is the love of Jesus. His love knows no culture, ethnicity,or hatred. He knows how to love straight from his heart. His love is forgiving and seeks to see the future. Not dwelling on the past, only moving forward.
        I also see why churches rise and fall. We see a lot of them now a days. Churches disbanding and becoming separate. Or even churches simply shutting the doors for good. I feel people spend too much time over thinking sometimes. But do they really PRESS INTO HIM? In my opinion, people go to a church because they are drawn to a pastors gift of they way he delivers the gospel. But when people get too comfortable, they lose sight of why they are there in the first place. God provides us with churches because he chooses certain people to teach us his kingdom. These pastors are simply teaching us how simple following god is. We dont have to say 10 hail marys or do acts of good all the time. We just simply have to OBEY the word of God. Being here in Japan has shown me just how fortunate we are to be even exposed to Christ Jesus.
       With all these revelations that i received, I look forward to rebuilding my relationship with my brother as well as my father. I always wanted to be part of my brothers life. But that relationship took a turn for its worse when i did something almost totally unforgivable. Since coming to YWAM, I have been doing my best to live out his glory. To spit out the fire that is lit in my heart set a fire by Jesus. In which God let me to call my brother one day and i really repented for what i had done in the past from the bottom of my heart. I also was able to forgive of some things in which had been done to me in the past. And because of that simple act of obeying, i plan on going to visit him in California for a little while and rebuild our relationship. I want to be part of my newphews lives as well. I have only seen them a handful of times since they have been born. Although my brother is not a believer, i felt that the lord helped changed his heart towards me. The lord has rebuilt my strength in him and now has given me the heart to rebuild my walls against the enemy. I want to take this precious time of my life right now to take the opportunity to share the gospel and experiences with my brother and his family at this time. To see how i have changed and be a living proof or testimony of what Jesus can do in our lives. But to get there i am asking for donations. God has provided EVERYTHING since being here at YWAM, and i am asking him to provide again. Total expenses will cost me around $500. I am trying to purchase a plane ticket and funds to send some luggage back to my home in VA. If you would like to partner with me in my journey to completely set a seal of perminate healing, your donations would be humbly appreciated. You can make PAPAL payments to my school leaders account at Thank you so much for your prayers and support! God bless you all!
P.S.- if there are any comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at ""

Saturday, February 4, 2012

As many of you know, I posted that i might be considering staying in japan a little while longer. That i might not come back in march, but instead in May.  The reason being is because I have been helping Samaritans Purse rebuilding houses for the Tsunami victims. As i have been help rebuilding, i have been praying over the houses that im helping rebuild and planting seeds. That it will be a new beginning. I have said that my heart is on fire for the Japanese, and now im taking action on what God is doing in my heart. I feel the lord pulling my heart to stay here in Japan just a little longer and finish out the program with Samaritan's Purse to complete all the housing programs here. But most importantly, its because as i was working on a house recently, i had a revelation. Many of you know that all my life, i have worked really really hard. And i feel that God is using that for me to bring his glory to Japan. I feel him telling me that he loves my servant heart and he wants me to show just how much i care and love the japanese by staying here. My flesh just wants to go home but my soul that the lord has set on fire says, stay and finish. I hope you guys can understand me staying. I want to see you guys so badly because i miss you. My plan for now is to stay here in Japan until about the beginning of May and see my brother in California for a little while. It kinda stinks because i was looking forward to celebrating my birthday with him. But i know now that there is nothing like receiving the fruits and revelations from the lord by simply just obeying him.  So keep me in your prayers. Nothing is set in stone yet but im working on it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

completely saved!!

I know its been quite a while since I last posted.  Words cannot express how much the lord has been doing in me. As many of you know, I have been here a little longer than expected.  But I know now that God intended for me to be here this long. There have been many healing's in my heart.
         But before i get into that I want to first and foremost thank all of you who have been partnering with me in my walk with Christ with support of finance and prayer! Words cannot express just how much of an overflow of thankfulness I have in my heart. I love you all so deeply especially since you guys sacrificed a little extra in your lives for me to be ABSOLUTELY filled with his glory,grace and never ending LOVE!!! I am experiencing God as I have never have before. There's so much fire in my heart for Christ Jesus, I can hardly contain myself as I write this!!!!!!  He continues to ruin me everyday and gives me awesome revelations. My eyes tear up now when I speak/talk about our God. My heart trembles with such fire for the lord. I want nothing more than for the people from back home to experience what transformation I am going through. Jesus is alive people!!
          Now back to what I was saying at first.  Being able to be on an outreach team here in Japan has been very stretching but also such an incredible blessing.  Being on a team that is entirely 10 years younger has been a definite challenge.  God continues to tell me to trust in him more and more.  I am the teams cook/chef they call me. Haha.  Its been very hard to cook for a team of 15 with only a $40 budget everyday.  Its also frustrating because when I go to the grocery store, everything is in Japanese. I hardly know what im getting half the time. But somehow, no matter what I cook, the team seems to be happy with what I made for there meal.  I feel like the big brother of the team most of the time. I really feel the lord put me here to APPLY every breakthrough I have had. I found it so breathtakingly amazing, that if you take time to put together how much God is in your life, what path he chooses for you and how he brings it all together JUST FOR YOUR GOOD!!!! There are so many strong personalities here on this team and somehow, we all come together and humble ourselves to life each other up and love one another.  I personally, would of never ever thought, I could have been on this type of team myself.  But I know now God took his time with me specifically for this moment in my life.  To give me a revelation of humbleness.  To love WHATEVER his creations are.  Every person we encounter in our lives are for a reason. The lord puts them there to teach us something. It is up to us to see his grace in everything. I continue to put all this knowledge he has given me to use everyday. To die to myself and to only live for him. At least I do my best.
           Being here in Japan has been so heart felt amazing!!! I couldnt understand it at the time but I knew this was the moment God was "training" me for.  I felt a lot of emotions when I landed in Japan, all at the same time. I had to gather myself and sit in prayer for a moment because I knew the enemy was trying to attack me right away.  But I remembered what this moment meant, what I went through, and how much I had grown to love the lord.  It was then I felt any wrong feeling or emotion melt away.  I suddenly felt peace.  It's amazing what a little meditation with the lord can do to ease moments of struggle.  Nothing could ever compare to the love the lord has for me.  There are no words to describe his love for us.  I simply cannot explain what has happened to me and my heart for the Japanese people.  All I know, is that I absolutely have no anger or bitterness toward them at all.  Instead, my heart grows ever more deeper for them.  They are a culture of absolute "perfection".  They continue to seek perfection at an almost godly level.  My heart burns for the Japanese.  I want to so badly tell them that they are perfect just the way they are.  That God has created us perfectly and that the only thing we need to seek is a God who is perfect in every way.  That he loves us for our mistakes no matter what cost.  I'm having trouble to put in words what my heart feels for these people.  When I walk down the street, and I see a man, or a woman with there head down as they are walking, I so badly want to stop them, and tell them to lift there head up and walk with pride and joy because Jesus loves them so very much.  I sense so much FIRE and PASSION in the Japanese but they are bound by the enemy so strong here.  There are so many strongholds upon the Japanese. I so want to set them free of any bind or passivity or whatever that is holding them back.  I feel so suffocated and frustrated at times, because they do not know of a God who can set them so free.  It's like worshiping our God and screaming at the top of your lungs for Jesus and confessing your love for him, not caring what others are thinking of you at that moment. Not caring who is looking at you, making a fool of yourself. But becoming so in tune with our God at that moment, and letting the holy spirit inside take over our bodies and be completely free. To not be bound by any of the enemy's strongholds but to be bound only by his love. My heart for the Japanese is ever growing at a rapid pace.  I have been repenting so much to our lord for ever being so STUPID and being bound by generational curse.  My walk with my team, our lord and these people have been so incredibly humbling.  I have grown to LOVE these people and country with all my heart. I cannot wait to see what else is in store coming in the next 5 weeks. I am forever changed.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

forgot the info for donations! =P hehe

If you would like to donate to my outreach, you can go online at and fill out the payment page. It should look like this;


Jackson Yeom
(school name DTS) "Community Transformation"
(school date) "09/11"


click on "student outreach" and enter payment amount


confirm! =)

or you can mail me payments by check to:
jackson yeom
75-5851 kuakini hwy
kailua kona, HI 96740

and please put "jackson outreach com trans" on the memo portion of the check. again THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! love and blessings

Monday, October 24, 2011


I know its been a while since i have last wrote you guys. And for that, I am really sorry. I have been busy trying to process everything God has been saying to me in my prayers and experiences here at YWAM. I find myself a little scared/excited as for what GOD has in store for me, my life, and what He wants me to fulfill. Within these past few months, GOD has really been putting me through a season of absolute humility so I can see exactly what He's trying to teach me. As many of you already know from my emails, I have been going through a time of rapid transformation with God. I feel that the Lord is putting me through so many rapid changes into who he created me to be. And speaking of creation, I find it so mind blowing that we are God's creation. I say this because God made the human body. The human body sheds skin cells every second because God created us that way. And you're probably wondering where I'm going with this. Well, I'm saying this to you because it was revealed to me that God made us this way so that we can continue to "shed" our old selves every second and we can be renewed with the Holy Spirit that lives inside of us. So we can continue to "die" to ourselves, and be renewed by his glory! God is so good! God has been so breathtaking while I have spent my time here. I KNOW he has great plans for me. I'm just scared of just completely letting go. He has shown me such a bittersweet love! I know its only because He loves me so much. I thought I was supposed to have gone on an outreach with my "AWAKEN" class to Amsterdam, but my leaders felt I was not "spiritually" ready. Many would have just plain gone home after hearing such bad news, but the night I heard the bad news I immediately went to the prayer room and took up my disagreement with the Lord. The Lord told me to just display MORE humbleness. He told me to TRUST in the people who He gave authority to and reminded me to just simply trust in Him. And a friend of mine whom I told my situation to, gave me some very wise words. He said "are you ALLOWING your leaders to lead you, or are you allowing God to lead you". With me being surrounded with such awesome people of Christ and being with Christ myself, I just knew I had to obey no matter what I felt. After all, its not about me. Its about HIM. It always was and always will be. We just have to remind ourselves that every time we feel injustice, anger, bitterness, or any other emotion. The only emotion we need to have is LOVE. God says in JOHN 15:12 & 17, that HE COMMANDS us to love each other. God commands us TWICE. He wants to make it clear. God gave me this big heart to Love anyone and everyone no matter what the situation. With all this revelation, the very next day I shocked both of my outreach leaders by approaching them and told them that I had no animosity towards them whatsoever. That God had told me to trust in Him. They said that they have never seen anyone so at peace after such a decision was made. I also had told them that if God had appointed them to be leaders, that i needed to trust in God and submit to their authority. Then, I told them that if they felt that I wasn't ready for outreach at that point, that I would continue to seek the Lord's grace, glory, and decide to "Mission Build", which is volunteering for YWAM to help the campus run. They told me that they have never seen any student, live in such humility and that they were so excited for what God's plans were for me. So I have spent this past month running with Jesus with all my heart and soul. I even took up reading Christian books! I used to hate reading until I was forced to read books for my class. Now my heart grows ever more for hunger for his words. I feel God sent me to "AWAKEN" DTS to completey AWAKE my soul. To awake me to his glory and kingdom. It was by God's grace that as I was mission building in the auto shop here on campus, that I ran into a man named Johnny Gillespie. He was fixing his car and needed some help fixing it. He needed some major work done and we spent a great deal of time together working on the car. We shared each others testimonies. And by the end of the day he revealed to me that he was one of the three head leaders who over saw all of the DTS's. After hearing my testimony and hearing how God has transformed my life, he offered to let me join his DTS called "Community Transformation". And at the moment, I felt total revelation. I felt that God used me to attend AWAKEN DTS to awaken me into his kingdom, but called me to Community Transformation. I say this because Community Transformation prides itself on going out and doing exactly what its name says. Transforming communities. As i joined this DTS I was asked to pray for an outreach location, God told me so incredibly clearly that he wanted me to go to JAPAN! As many of you know, that I WAS not very fond of Japan. But the good lord made it a point to throw at me some such loving japanese people here at YWAM. It seemed no matter where i went to try to avoid them, they would always be there. I knew it was the lord telling me KNOW him. So I completely saw what God was doing. No matter how hard I tried to hate, avoid, or even not to acknowledge them, God was just putting them in my face to just simply love on them. No matter how hard i tried, all they did to me was just simply show me love unconditionally . I finally gave in and spoke absolute truth in what God was orchestrating. God is just so freaking amazing on what he shows us. I saw first hand that nothing is ever coincidence. Every action happens by God's will. I am now COMPLETELY healed of any and all anger and bitterness of the Japanese. God's presence is so thick here, you can almost taste his sweetness. I am so crippled by his glory. I want nothing more in this world but to have everyone just experience just 1 ounce of what is here and what us christians can accomplish by just living radically in all his glory!!!!! I absolutely understand why pastor Jamie and pastor Neil cry when they preach the gospel. I didnt understand before because I never felt God's love the way I have felt it here. I feel God purposely put me in awaken to awaken me and placed me in Community Transformation because he wanted me to get rid of that very last bit of bitterness. I feel that his whole plan was to take my biggest bitterness I held in my heart and turn it inside out. It was as if he was telling me, that he sent me some japanese people in my time here to recieve healing by uncondtional love from them and now he wants me to go to Japan and spread that love and glory to those who never even heard of Christ. I felt as if God was telling me that now that I uprooted that area of prejudice, he now wants me to spread the glory to the place I least want to go at the time. Which is of course Japan. I feel nervous but just want to completely obey him. I have found that there is so much fruit if we just simply obey and submit to our lord. I am writting this blog as part of my fundraising letter. For those who are wondering what happened to the funds that were for my previous outreach, I returned some of the money to the donors, and a lot of it went to other people who were in need of the same support. I was just obeying God. I had spent many nights in the prayer room trying to decide what to do and I felt the lord telling me to give a lot of it away. And so I did. The lord is walking me through all areas of unbelief. Especially finance. If you would like to continue supporting me you can make online payments or send payments in as well. I will continue with this newly blog as much as I can. Finances permitting and a laptop availability since i don't have one. Again I thank you so much for your support financially and prayers as well. Being here is such an awesome gift from God. Words can never express how I appreciative I am. I love yu all even more deeply than before because I now am able to through Christ Jesus. The first half of my outreach fees are due by Thursday October 27, 2011.The first half I need to raise is about $3,000. While this is no easy amount, I believe the lord will provide. And if he doesn't, it's still is a blessing. As long as we see and speak blessing in those times. I have attached the information on how to donate as well as a video blogg. I hope you enjoy my testimony and the beautiful place you guys have sent me. I truly love you all. And with this enormous blog, I want to leave you guys with PSALMS 103(please read)